2019年6月22日 星期六

時空鏈戰 角色強度全解析 (三星 四星 五星角色都包含) Chain Strike Tier List

時空鏈戰 角色強度全解析



1. 排名強度:Tier表示強度,強度對照如下:
T0 > T1 > T2 > T3>T4

2. 方向:
[+] Rook 車          (簡寫R)
[✕] Bishop 主教    (簡寫B)
[✠] King 國王       (簡寫 K 要注意!)
[回] Knight 騎士   (簡寫 Kn 要注意!)
[※] Queen皇后      (簡寫Q)

注意:如果寫 all except/but Rook 表示除了Rook以外都推薦


原生五星 角色區

Diaz00 SAll, K/B bestUnique cooldown reduction on S1 (only Diaz/Fritz) for boss content. K/B have +1 AP skill.
Wukong00 SR, Queen, KingStrong utility debuffs and decent secondary damage. Very optimized teams might not need him.
Fritz00 SAll, K/B bestUnique cooldown reduction on S1 (only Diaz/Fritz) for boss content. K/B have team-wide CDR active.
Krishna00 SKn(pvp), B, RVery strong utility for S1 beneficial effect increase and immunity. Some alternatives but used through end-game.
Artemis00 SRook, King, KnRook + King for PVE. Knight for PVP sniper (capable of one-shotting Tier 6 nexus). Outclassed by legendaries.
Despia00 SAll but rookStrong DPS within Nat 5 tier, but nothing unique in terms of skills. Outclassed by legendaries (esp Habanerin w/similar kit)
Aslan00 SKnight2nd best Nat 5 PVP nexus sniper (only up to Tier 5 nexus). Outclassed by legendary knight DPS guardians.
Cosmos00 SAll, K/Q bestPvP all-star since meta is revive-heavy. Currently no legendary replacement.
Hades00 SKnight
Resettable AOE waveclear for fast farming through end-game. Q Lucian (Nat 3) can fill this role well enough though. Decent Cherince's gift pick if you can't pull Q Lucian
Lord Dragon00 SAll but bishopExtra attack can finish off additional enemies in most PVE content to shorten runs considerably
Tahn00 SRook, Bis, KnLegendary R is strongest single-target DPS in game. Non-legendary is also no joke.
Soulless00 SQueenStrong utility debuffs and decent secondary damage. Very optimized teams might not need her.
Hwaryong00 SRook
Strong all-arounder w/damage, heal, revive but outclassed if only considering specific roles. One of best continuous damage (dots) units. Most beginner-friendly Cherince's gift pick.
Mountain Spirit00 SKing/QueenAll around tanky bruiser with decent DPS and team utility. Very optimized teams might not need him.
Persephone00 SRook / Knight
PvP all-star since meta is revive-heavy. Rook / Knight are S Tier for global ban revive debuff in addition to ban on global pincer. Rest are A Tier.
Zygmunt01 AKn, QueenOne of strongest tanks for PVP. Sadly legendary DPS can still one shot
Seimei01 AKing, KnightOne of strongest tanks for PVP. Sadly legendary DPS can still one shot
Valkyrja01 ABishopMainly for hydra
Hwaryong01 AAll but k, R best
Skuld01 AAll
Astro01 ABishop/Queen
Kaos01 ABishop/Knight
Stein01 ARook/Qu/King
Barjan01 AKnight
Nem01 AQueen
Mua01 AK/Kn/Q > Rest
Great starting guardian for spirit boss. King/Knight/Queen S2 is only skill that can replace Krishna nexus invulnerability in arena
Aslan01 AQueenIgnore beneficial effect skill for tower 56-57
Tranya01 AB > Rest
Strong pincer buffs. Bishop's passive saves the 1 AP activation of other versions. Chain skill w/Haba in one of the stronger Guild Spirit teams (R Dia, K Diaz, N Haba, Q Jorm, B Tranya)
Azrael02 BRook
Lubu02 BAll
Hades02 BRook(PvP)
Despia02 BRook
Haggy02 BKnightLegendary version is decent
Alice02 BQ/K/BHas immunity and attack damage (not attack power) buff, but overshadowed by others, esp Jorm
Aslan03 CKing
Has ignore defense S3 so is similar in PVP role to Knight Aslan. Direction much worse though. DO NOT PICK as Cherince's Gift

原生四星 角色區

Indra00 SRook/Bishop
Single skill heal + cleanse + immunity. Possibly replaceable by B/R Krishna or N/K Jorm though just from immunity skill perspective Indra is the best.
Claudia00 SBishop/Knight
Strong buffer + S1 cleanse. N w/reactivate good for PVP. Possibly replaceable by Q Jorm but is used through end-game.
Maria00 SBishop/King/Queen
Q for PVP, B/K for PVE. No nat 5/legendary replacement for invincibility skill.
Carly00 SQueen/King
"AOE" waveclear for adventure. Replaceable w/AOE DPS (Q Lucian, N Hades)
Juan00 SKnight
Strong buffer in general but unique in being an attack type (gets around guardian spirit Fray). Also has S1 def break and strip beneficial effect S2 so overall hard to replace stacked kit.
00 SRook/King/Bishop
Unique damage based on shield. Needs entire team built around her and RNG but can achieve highest possible damage on certain guardian spirits and world bosses.
Breo01 AKnight/KingKing has ignore beneficial effect. Useful for tower wolves (56-57)
Camael01 ARookHas global transmog. Useful for tower reflect levels (51-52)
01 ARook/Knight
Team-wide invincibility useful in lots of content. No nat 5/legendary replacement.
01 AQueenBuff stripper and debuffer. Barjan plays similar role.
Scarlet01 AAll directionsDecent DPS, replaceable by higher tier DPS.
01 AKnightStrong continuous damage. Replaceable by Hwaryong or R Dia.
01 AKing/QueenUtility debuff/strip + buff. Useful in PVP/tower. Barjan plays similar role
Lirina01 AAll directionsHas +AP on S1. Replaced by legendary Bergis
Violet01 ABishop/KnightGenerically good healer. Replaceable by good vamp gear across team.
01 ARook/Queen/King
Limited immunity, HP balance, revive. Generally replaceable by Bergis (esp B)
Anonymous01 AKingDecent DPS, replaceable by higher tier DPS.
01 AAll except rookDecent DPS with def pen. Replaceable by higher tier DPS.
01 AKnight
Team-wide invincibility useful in lots of content. No nat 5/legendary replacement.
妮佩勒01 ABishop
Azurok02 BKing/Knight
Best unit for bombs. Unfortunately continuous damage is better and dots in general are out of meta.
Juan02 BBishop/Rook
Passive crit damage buff. Useful for guardian spirit Fray (anti-support day)
Syledrin02 BQueenOne of few queen buffers though his buff is limited.
Succubus02 BKnightGlobal sleep for some PVP content.
Lucia02 BAll except rook
Shayde02 BAll directions
Esther02 BAll
Has single target transmog. Useful for tower reflect levels (51-52). Use R Camael instead if you have her.
Ming-ming03 CPVP: For repositioning enemy team
Hamelon03 C
Infero03 C
Leon (?)03 C
Robin Hood03 C
Dragenaz03 CKing
ST-00304 D
Johannes04 D
Faust04 D
Deliche04 D
Xiaowu04 D
Averna04 D

原生三星 角色區

00 SQueen(Very) tanky bruiser. Sometimes used in end-game PVP
Ms Dale
00 SKnightFairly rare crit rate + crit damage buff and sub-DPS
00 SRookStrong starting healer, replaceable later
00 SKnightStrong starting buffer, replaceable later
00 SBishopPenetration defense. Few units have this (legendary Jorm is only good replacement)
00 SQueenUsed through end-game for PVE farming due to resettable AOE
00 SBishop/QueenFulfills most healing needs until your teams have vamp gear (late end-game)
Daruth01 AKnight/RookCooldown increase sometimes used in arena defense
01 AQueenStarter DPS. Replace with better Nat 4/5/legendaries
Rex01 ARookUnique damage reflect passive
Matoaka01 AKing/Bishop/KnightS1 beneficial effect increase used for Guild/World Boss. Shields for Miliah teams.
Edele01 AQueen/KingUnique passive attack buff
Taylor01 AKnightGlobal strip and debuff
Laval01 ARookUnique passive crit damage reduction for trying to prevent arena nexus sniping
Aegeus02 BKing
Ladark02 BBishop
Prebella02 BRook
Lucian02 BKnight
Ocean Maiden02 BKnight
Arakune02 BRook/Knight/QueenPetrify for tower wolves
Neebe02 BKnight bestFreeze for tower wolves
Stella03 CAll direction
Killbe03 CRook
Marie03 CRook
Edele03 CKnight

BONUS Legendary 進化傳說等級 ($$$玩家的極致)

Tahn00 SRook, KnightRivals/exceeds Dia in damage output. Can be nexus sniper due to legendary skill (def pen).
Bergis00 SBishop = (R or Kn) > Rest
B/R/Kn all have high-dmg global S2. Multiple Bergis + Jorm can turn-0 snipe enemy nexus in arena. B has revive-all S3, primarily for PVP defense and some world bosses. Others have on-demand cleanse.
Jörmungand00 SQ > Knight = King > Rest
Queen has (Atk power + Crit dmg) and (Atk dmg) buffs so can fill most buffing needs. Knight/King have immunity which is highly valued. Pen def shield versions good for Aries World Boss.
Dia00 SRook = King > Rest
Rook has highest Guild Spirit + World Boss potential due to stacking debuffs (1M+ S4 on Thursday Guild Spirit). King's initial burst best for non-boss content (Tower, gear dungeons, arena, etc).
Diaz00 SKing > Bishop > RestSignificant upgrade to nat 5 version which is already S tier. Legendary skill (CDR 2) better than Fritz's since 0 AP (so main DPS can atk).
Haggy01 AKnightJury still out. Some experimentation in Japanese player's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyM_tHygJvM
Lord Dragon01 ARookRandom S4 is strong for arena and guild wars defense
Habanerin01 AQ > Knight = Rook > Rest
Skill are almost exclusive to Guild Spirit + World Boss, so limited in role. Q has unique crit dmg passive. Q/Kn/R skills scale on weakening effects on enemy, which is much better than others which scale on your buffs.
Fritz01 AKing = Bishop > Rest
Nat 5 version can usually suffice since the legendary skill is fairly niche (mainly used for Miliah comps). Thus A tier amongst legendaries (S tier amongst nat 5s)
Mountain Spirit01 AQueen = Rook > RestLegendary skill mainly suited for arena or Land of Legends. Q best all around, R best for team-wide damage reduction.
Tranya01 ABishop > RestHer main role is to support with pincer + vamp/immunity and her legendary skill is a regular atk, so the legendary investment isn't mandatory.
Cosmos02 BKing = Queen > Rest
Legendary skill can be dispelled/replaced so very lackluster. Steep investment for mainly just better stats. Thus B tier amongst legendaries (S tier amongst nat 5s)

資料來源: Reddit (Community Tier List - AJBurns)

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